Don’t Delay Fixing a Broken Tooth

Some believe that a broken tooth can wait, but that simply is not the case. There are a number of reasons that you should seek the help of one of your emergency dentists immediately. Below are the main reasons that you can not put off fixing that broken tooth.

If you broke your tooth to any degree that means that you now have a hole in your tooth. This allows liquids and debris to enter into a space that is usually protected. Not having this remedied immediately can lead to unnecessary cavities and tooth decay in a very short amount of time. However, if you seek our help right away these issues can be prevented.

Additionally, by have a hole in your tooth you are inevitably going to experience a great deal of pain, whether it be right away, or in the future. This is because the roots are now exposed to elements they have never experienced before, such as hot or cold liquids and air. If you come in and have your tooth repaired right away you will avoid a great deal of unnecessary discomfort.

Finally, there is nothing appealing about having a tooth that has a chunk of it missing. As you will likely agree, it can be quite embarrassing to smile when your tooth is in that state. The bonus is that we can take care of your dental needs when the emergency occurs so that you do not have to be concerned about your smile for long.

Now that you read the information above you know just how important it is to seek emergency dental services if you were to break your tooth. There is no reason to put the integrity of your tooth at risk or deal with any unnecessary pain or embarrassment.

Don’t Delay In Getting The Dental Treatment You Need

A dental professional treating a patientWhy Waiting To Get Treatment When You Have A Dental Emergency Is A Bad Idea

A severe toothache, broken tooth, or another type of medical emergency is not something to take lightly. At first you might think that the dental emergency is simply a cosmetic problem, but the truth this type of emergency presents a serious health risk as well. The reason being that if you allow any type of medical emergency to develop without being treated your body may suffer serious consequences.

For instance, if you have major swelling in your gum or find yourself bleeding uncontrollably that is a sign that you need to visit the dentist immediately. Infections can easily spread around the mouth causing the rest of your oral hygiene to suffer. Not only is your oral hygiene at risk, but other areas of your body may be damaged as well. Should the infection spread down the tongue and to the throat it could create an infection in your esophagus. Imagine your throat closing when you eat food, it is not a comfortable feeling. Some infections can become so severe to the point where a person cannot breath down his or her mouth, which can cause a person to almost suffocate.

The moment you feel a part of your mouth becomes so severely damaged that you need to visit a dentist or the emergency room it is recommended you go without hesitation. People with minor health issues related to their oral hygiene are recommended to visit a dentist as well. Studies have revealed a direct correlation between oral hygiene and the function of the heart. Take proper care of your oral hygiene to avoid infections or any other health detriments. The longer you allow a problem to persist the more you are putting your body at risk, so visit a dentist listed at for a dental emergency the first chance you get.

Emergency Cracked Tooth Repair in Rochester, NY

A man in pain from a cracked toothWhen A Cracked Tooth Is A Dental Emergency

If you are suffering from a cracked or chipped tooth you are probably wondering if you should contact a dentist right away or just wait it out til you can get an appointment. Below are the things that you should consider in making this decision.

One sign that you should seek emergency dental services is if you are experiencing a lot of pain. One reason is that there really is no reason to suffer when there are options available to you. Additionally, if you are in pain there may be a larger, underlying issue that needs immediate attention. Finally, as you know, if anything in your mouth hurts it will be nearly impossible to eat, drink or sleep until the problem is fixed.

Another reason that you should seek emergency services for a cracked tooth is that you may cause more damage than already exists before you can be seen by your regular dentist. A cracked tooth leaves the inside of your tooth open to the risk of becoming infected by food and germs that can enter. This is a space that you can not clean, so if you wait to long you could even end up with a cavity as well. In short, by not having this looked at immediately you may end up with much bigger problems than what you originally started with, and possibly a much larger bill in the end.

From what you’ve read above, it is really always best to seek out emergency dental services when you have a tooth that has become compromised due to an injury. Putting it off until later will leave you dealing with unnecessary pain and possibly worse issue. If you have a cracked tooth you should give us a call right away.

Do You Know An Emergency Dentist In Rochester?

A dental nurseWhy You Should Have A Rochester Emergency Dentist On Speed Dial

In my line of work, you see a lot of accidents and emergency situations. A person can’t be prepared for every situation, after all, and sometimes accidents happen. But the worst situations occur when teeth and mouth injuries could have been repaired less expensively if the patient had gotten to a local emergency dentist in time.

One such accident involved a patient’s chipped front tooth. Chipped is the technical term, what had actually happened was that he’d tripped and fallen, and his right front tooth literally broke in half. Now, had he gotten the tooth to our Rochester dental office quickly, I could have used a dental epoxy to essentially glue the tooth back together. The tooth would have been as good as new, more or less, and it would have cost less than one hundred dollars to fix his broken tooth.

Unfortunately, the patient waited until the next day to come in during regular office hours. By that time, the tooth piece had dried out, and could not be epoxied back together. It was unfortunate, but the patient required a full root canal and a replacement tooth, which was much more costly than one hundred dollars.

There are many situations that happen in a similar vein. It’s always unfortunate when a patient can get less expensive care rather than having to have full dental surgery performed, and yet the patient chooses to wait. When you have a tooth injury, waiting doesn’t do anything other than allow the injury to worsen.

That’s why you should always have the name and number of an emergency dentist on hand. You never know when you might trip and fall, and cause damage to your mouth or teeth. Or have something come flying at you. There are a number of possible dangers in the world, don’t let them get the best of you.

3 Typical Pediatric Dental Emergencies In Children

pediatricdentalcareChildren are especially susceptible to dental emergencies as a result of normal play activities or being involved in all sorts of sports such as running, basketball, cycling, skating and football.

Very commonly, we pediatric dentists have to treat kids with avulsed, fractured or intruded teeth, lacerated lips, mucosa or tongue on an emergency basis.

Conversely, most people especially parents do not realize when a child is in a state of dental emergency and actually come to know it when it’s too late.

In this article, we will cover the three typical pediatric dental emergencies that can occur to your child and hopefully, you will be able to handle such as situation in the right manner by immediately consulting a dental pediatric.

1. Fractured Teeth

A tooth fracture mainly results from a traumatic blow that usually affects the crown of the tooth. The strength of the injured tooth must be determined so that a course treatment can be developed in each situation. The process may involve testing the tooth’s sensitivity to to air, cold, hot and pressure.

A fracture may occur on the crown of a primary or permanent tooth and no matter the class of the fracture, whether class I, II or III, all must be treated as emergencies and a dentist should be consulted.

2. Avulsed Tooth

An avulsed tooth is one that has been totally knocked out as a result of traumatic injury. A primary avulsed tooth is not replaced because high chances are that another one will grow, but there is need to replant the permanent one, followed by stabilization until it’s secure in the next 7 to 10 days.

A parent should be well educated on the problems that arise with avulsed teeth as well as the importance and benefits of a successful replanted tooth.

3. Luxation

Injuries to the oral cavity can also involve luxated teeth. A tooth may be intruded or extruded with a certain degree of movement out of the socket. Again, the course of treatment in this case is determined by whether it is a permanent or a primary tooth.

A primary luxated tooth is usually removed to protect the developing permanent one and a luxated permanent tooth is returned to its official position and stabilized for a couple of days.

If you need to bring your child to an emergency dentist in the Rochester area please contact the dentist at