What Are Typical Pediatric Dental Emergencies?

A child with a dental emergencyA pediatric dental emergency can occur at any time, with or without the presence of any symptoms. It can be scary for both parents and their children. This is especially true if the tooth is fractured or completely broken. Handling a pediatric dental emergency can protect the child’s dental health.

What Are Typical Pediatric Dental Emergencies?

Typical pediatric dental emergencies include a tooth fracture, knocked out teeth, infected baby tooth, persistent toothache, and dental intrusion.

1. Tooth Fracture

A fracture in the tooth affects the main function of the tooth. It can cause an unusual feeling and discomfort in the child’s mouth. It can, therefore, reduce the child’s ability to chew and eat. The child may feel pain when chewing. So, if a child complains of severe tooth pain, it is best to take the child for a dental x-ray.

2. Knocked Out Tooth

A knocked out tooth, or dental avulsion, happens when a tooth is completely knocked out of the child’s mouth. Injuries and accidents can knock out a tooth. The child can lose a baby tooth or even a permanent tooth. If a baby’s tooth is completely knocked out during an accident, it requires immediate dental attention.

3. Infected Baby Tooth

A baby tooth can become infected due to an issue with the root of the baby tooth or poor oral hygiene. A bacterial infection, for example, can cause damage to the baby’s teeth and supporting gums. If left untreated, the infection could spread to other parts of the child’s body.

4. Persistent Toothache

Tooth infection, tooth decay, and dental injury are the most common causes of persistent toothache. A severe toothache can make it difficult for the child to speak, eat, and even sleep.

Pain medications make the child’s pain less severe. It is, however, wise to let a pediatric dentist examine the child’s mouth and treat the underlying cause of the persistent toothache.

5. Dental Intrusion

A dental intrusion occurs when a baby tooth or permanent tooth is pushed into the gumline or jawbone. The tooth will appear shorter than the neighboring teeth.

Children are mostly affected by dental intrusion. This is because the child’s alveolar bones are not as hard as those of an adult.


Regular dental checkups can help prevent these pediatric dental emergencies and protect the child’s teeth and jaw. It is very expensive to replace a lost tooth.

Pediatric dental emergencies can affect the child’s development and ability to speak, eat, and concentrate in school. So, parents should not put off taking their children to see a pediatric dentist.

If a parent takes their child to see a pediatric dentist as early as possible, the dentist is more likely to save their child’s tooth.

See Us For All Pediatric Dental Emergencies in Rochester

A child with a dental emergencyDental emergencies often happen to children. By nature, children are active, and damage to teeth are not uncommon. A tooth can be knocked out while the child is playing on the playground. It can be knocked out if a ball strikes his face while he is playing in a ball game. Whatever the cause, if a tooth is knocked out or knocked loose due to an accident or trauma, you should contact our office right away.

Even if the tooth affected is a baby tooth, you should take your child to our office right away so that we can evaluate your child’s condition. We can see if there is risk of an abscess developing in the injured gums. We will help reduce the pain that your child may be feeling. We will give you advice on how to manage the condition of the injured site in the immediate days following the injury.

If the tooth knocked out is a permanent tooth, you should take your child to see us right away so that we can save the tooth and replant it. Before you come, rinse the tooth very carefully of dirt without washing off any of the tissues on the root. Touch only the crown and not the root. If you can, gently reinsert the tooth back into the socket. Place a piece of gauze on top of the tooth and instruct your child to bite down gently on it to keep the tooth in place. If your child is too young to do this, or if your child is too upset to follow your instructions, put the tooth in a cup of milk to preserve it. If a cold compress is available, apply it to the outside of his face to control pain and swelling. Call us and we will see your child right away.

Aside from trauma, if your child experiences a toothache for any reason and the pain persists, give us a call. There may be a hidden infection that needs to be treated. Do not assume that the pain will go away on its own. Early treatment can save your child from bigger problems.

Call Us For Pediatric Emergency
Dental Care in Rochester, NY

We understand that children can be fearful of the dentist. Our highly trained staff knows how to mitigate the fear that your child may feel when he comes to our office. We will do everything possible to reduce the pain and help your child feel more comfortable. We will take the best care of your child as we work to treat the dental emergency.

Any time when there is damage to your child’s teeth, or when your child experiences pain or swelling in his gums, call us immediately. We can handle all kinds of pediatric dental emergencies and will provide your child with the highest quality of care.

3 Typical Pediatric Dental Emergencies In Children

pediatricdentalcareChildren are especially susceptible to dental emergencies as a result of normal play activities or being involved in all sorts of sports such as running, basketball, cycling, skating and football.

Very commonly, we pediatric dentists have to treat kids with avulsed, fractured or intruded teeth, lacerated lips, mucosa or tongue on an emergency basis.

Conversely, most people especially parents do not realize when a child is in a state of dental emergency and actually come to know it when it’s too late.

In this article, we will cover the three typical pediatric dental emergencies that can occur to your child and hopefully, you will be able to handle such as situation in the right manner by immediately consulting a dental pediatric.

1. Fractured Teeth

A tooth fracture mainly results from a traumatic blow that usually affects the crown of the tooth. The strength of the injured tooth must be determined so that a course treatment can be developed in each situation. The process may involve testing the tooth’s sensitivity to to air, cold, hot and pressure.

A fracture may occur on the crown of a primary or permanent tooth and no matter the class of the fracture, whether class I, II or III, all must be treated as emergencies and a dentist should be consulted.

2. Avulsed Tooth

An avulsed tooth is one that has been totally knocked out as a result of traumatic injury. A primary avulsed tooth is not replaced because high chances are that another one will grow, but there is need to replant the permanent one, followed by stabilization until it’s secure in the next 7 to 10 days.

A parent should be well educated on the problems that arise with avulsed teeth as well as the importance and benefits of a successful replanted tooth.

3. Luxation

Injuries to the oral cavity can also involve luxated teeth. A tooth may be intruded or extruded with a certain degree of movement out of the socket. Again, the course of treatment in this case is determined by whether it is a permanent or a primary tooth.

A primary luxated tooth is usually removed to protect the developing permanent one and a luxated permanent tooth is returned to its official position and stabilized for a couple of days.

If you need to bring your child to an emergency dentist in the Rochester area please contact the dentist at emergencydentistrochesterny.com.

Emergency Dental Care For Children in Rochester, NY

A child with a dental emergencyDental emergencies are indeed stressful for everyone especially for children and most parents end up panicking. However, just like any other type of emergency, hysteria and panic will only make the situation worse.

It is essential to remain calm when a dental emergency occurs so, here are some of the common “emergency” issues that may arise, and the steps you should take following dental injuries.

What should you do, if your child knocks out a permanent tooth?

Keep calm and do not panic. Find the tooth, pick it up and be careful not to touch the root. If the tooth is not broken or dirty, attempt to reinsert it into the child’s mouth into its respective socket. If you are successful in reinserting it, have the child hold the tooth in place by biting on a clean gauze or piece of cloth and immediately go to your pediatric dentist. If the tooth is dirty or broken, or you are unable to reinsert it, put the tooth in a glass of milk and take it together with your child to the dentist.

A broken or chipped tooth requires immediate dental attention even if its not a permanent one. When a tooth is chipped or broken, it gives way for bacteria to enter the tooth’s pulp and can cause an infection. In this regard, it is important for you to seek a dentist so that the damage can be assessed and the enamel sealed to keep bacteria out.

Apply pressure on the bleeding region using a clean cloth and if there is swelling, use a cold compress to minimize the swelling. Also, give the child a dose of Ibuprofen or Acetaminophen. This will often reduce the pain the child might experience

In the event of a toothache, have the child rinse their mouth with salty warm water and if you notice any swelling, apply a cold compress on the area. However, even though the pain subsides, it is crucial that you immediately visit your pediatric dentist to rule out any problems.

With this pediatric advise, you should be able to handle any dental emergency as your child awaits proper treatment from the emergency dentist in Rochester.