Got a Missing or Loose Dental Filling?

Lost a dental filling? Here’s what you should do…

It is recommended that you schedule an emergency dental appointment as soon as possible, after losing a dental filling, because even though a missing filling isn’t considered to be a medical emergency, the exposed tooth is likely to cause sensitivity and pain.

Use the following tips to relieve discomfort in the meantime:

  • Take over-the-counter pain relief medication
  • Place sugar-free gum over the missing filling as a patch
  • Apply clove oil on the affected tooth

Some of the common causes of loose or missing tooth fillings include:

  • Facial injuries
  • Tooth softening resulting from tooth decay beneath the filling
  • Dislodged or broken filling due to eating/chewing chewy, sticky, or hard foods/objects

Fix Your Missing Filling With The Help Of An Emergency Dentist

To fix this problem, your dentist will have to apply a new filling in most cases. In some cases, before the new filling is installed, your dentist may have to drill and shape the affected tooth, if they find excessive decay under the missing filling.

Get in contact with us via phone and book an appointment, if you are within the Rochester, New York area. With quality dental care nearby, there is no need for you to suffer in pain, over an extended period, because of a missing or loose filling.