Common Causes and Treatments For Swollen Gums

Swollen gums are one of the most common oral health issues I have treated in my entire career as a dentist. Gum swelling can be a sign of a more serious oral symptom, but many patients tend to ignore it, thinking that it will not last for long. However, I always recommend that patients seek the help of a professional as soon as they learn about the condition. Read on and learn more about the causes of swollen gums and what you should do to alleviate the pain and discomfort.

What Are The Common Causes Of Swollen Gums?

  • Gingivitis is the most common cause of swollen gums. It can range from mild inflammation to severe gum damage, leading to tooth loss if left untreated.
  • Certain medications have the side effect of causing swelling in the gums.
  • Poor nutrition is also to blame for gum swelling, particularly lack in Vitamin C. Not eating a healthy diet can lead to a wealth of oral issues.
  • Switching brands of toothpaste or mouthwash can also lead to gum disease. This may be due to a reaction between a certain ingredient in the new brand and your gum tissues, leading to inflammation.

What Should You Do If You Have Swollen Gums in Rochester, NY?

As I mentioned earlier, always contact your dental professional when you see signs of gum swelling. While waiting for your appointment, here are some things I recommend to help you feel better and minimize the swelling.

  1. Rinse your mouth with salt water. Simply mix a pinch of salt in a glass of water and wash your mouth thoroughly with the solution. This is an easy way to alleviate pain caused by gum swelling.
  2. Avoid caffeinated beverages and soda. These drinks can further increase the irritation in your gum tissues. Also stay away from alcohol and tobacco.
  3. Eat healthy. Add fruits and vegetables to your daily diet, especially those rich in Vitamin C.
  4. Practice good oral hygiene. Brushing your teeth and flossing regularly is the best way to recover from gum disease and prevent other oral health problems.
  5. Don’t ignore the problem. Simply dismissing it as something you can endure will not help. Visit a professional to determine the exact cause of your swollen gums and whether it’s a symptom of a more serious health condition.

While there are treatments available for gum disease, I still recommend taking steps to prevent the disease in the first place. Practicing good oral hygiene, eating healthy and visiting your dentist regularly may be just what you need to maintain the health of your teeth and gums.

4 Warning Signs You Need To Get A Tooth Pulled

toothextractionAt our Rochester dental office we understand that even if you take extreme care of your teeth, and go out of your way to perform proper dental hygiene, accidents will happen.

If you find yourself with a damaged tooth due to accident, you always want to make sure the see a dentist as soon as possible.

You would be amazed at the level of damage we are capable of repairing, but if you need an oral surgeon to remove the tooth it is important that you still get that done as soon as possible, as well.

However, the need to get a tooth pulled isn’t always because of a sudden accident. Here are four common warning signs that you might need a tooth extraction that you should never ignore.

Swollen Gums
The first warning sign is if you have extremely puffy gums around a severe toothache. This can be a lot of things, but it could also be a sign of an abscess tooth and if the damage infection is bad enough you may need to get it removed.

A Severe Toothache
A second warning sign is pain that just won’t go away. Applying ice to the outside of your mouth might help the swelling, and ibuprofen might take the edge off the pain, for a while. However, if you have sharp tooth pain that seems to come from inside the tooth or even throbs then you need to come in and possible get an extraction.

Delayed Dental Work
If you have needed some serious dental work for quite some time and you kept putting it off over months or even years, there might be so much damage that a root canal or crown won’t be enough. If this is the case then pulling the tooth out might be your only viable option.

Dental Trauma
After an accident where there is tooth damaged, any sharp pain, bleeding gums, or anything similar may indicate it’s time to come in and get the damaged tooth pulled and the damaged area cleaned out.

At our Rochester dental office we never want to be in a position where we are pulling a tooth that could have been saved. However, sometimes there are no other options. Hopefully, the information provided in the is article, as well as elsewhere on, you’ll find information that helps you keep your bright smile for many years to come.