4 Warning Signs You Need To Get A Tooth Pulled

toothextractionAt our Rochester dental office we understand that even if you take extreme care of your teeth, and go out of your way to perform proper dental hygiene, accidents will happen.

If you find yourself with a damaged tooth due to accident, you always want to make sure the see a dentist as soon as possible.

You would be amazed at the level of damage we are capable of repairing, but if you need an oral surgeon to remove the tooth it is important that you still get that done as soon as possible, as well.

However, the need to get a tooth pulled isn’t always because of a sudden accident. Here are four common warning signs that you might need a tooth extraction that you should never ignore.

Swollen Gums
The first warning sign is if you have extremely puffy gums around a severe toothache. This can be a lot of things, but it could also be a sign of an abscess tooth and if the damage infection is bad enough you may need to get it removed.

A Severe Toothache
A second warning sign is pain that just won’t go away. Applying ice to the outside of your mouth might help the swelling, and ibuprofen might take the edge off the pain, for a while. However, if you have sharp tooth pain that seems to come from inside the tooth or even throbs then you need to come in and possible get an extraction.

Delayed Dental Work
If you have needed some serious dental work for quite some time and you kept putting it off over months or even years, there might be so much damage that a root canal or crown won’t be enough. If this is the case then pulling the tooth out might be your only viable option.

Dental Trauma
After an accident where there is tooth damaged, any sharp pain, bleeding gums, or anything similar may indicate it’s time to come in and get the damaged tooth pulled and the damaged area cleaned out.

At our Rochester dental office we never want to be in a position where we are pulling a tooth that could have been saved. However, sometimes there are no other options. Hopefully, the information provided in the is article, as well as elsewhere on emergencydentistrochesterny.com, you’ll find information that helps you keep your bright smile for many years to come.

Get Your Toothache Treated As Soon As Possible

A woman with a painful toothacheHave You Got A Toothache? Is That A Sign Of A Dental Emergency?

A toothache is often something that all of us have experienced at one point in our lives. With that being said, a toothache can sometimes be an indicator of a dental emergency.

We have had a lot of clients come in to our Rochester dental practice complaining of a toothache to find out that they were actually going through a dental emergency. Do you currently have a toothache? Continue reading this article to find out how to tell whether or not it is a dental emergency.

When it comes to dental emergencies, often times there are a large number of symptoms present. One of the most common symptoms in dental emergencies is a toothache, often accompanies by gum distress and bleeding. The reasons behind toothache are numerous, and it’s important that anyone who has a toothache go ahead and visit a qualified dental practice such as ours to properly get it evaluated. Going to a dental practice at the first signs of a toothache ensures that a dental emergency is either treated straight away or diverted before it happens in the first place.

The causes of a toothache and be as benign as simple sensitivity to cold foods and drinks. However, it can become much serious with the cause of the toothache being something such as decay. If a toothache is left for too long, it can turn into a dental emergency as things as decay spread further and further, causing such things as the death of tissue in the area. Such things as toothache caused by death of tissue (necrosis) are signs of a dental emergency that needs to be treated immediately in order to prevent serious complications later on down the line.

As you can see from this article, a toothache will often times be caused by something not very serious. However, on the off chance that it is caused by something that would be classified as a dental emergency, it’s important to seek treatment immediately.

Hence, if you are suffering from a toothache you should definitely go ahead and visit a renowned and professional Rochester dental clinic such as ours.

Do You Need An Emergency Root Canal?

A dentist performing a root canal on a patientWhat Are The Signs That It Is Time For An Emergency Root Canal?

Knowing that your dentist has you covered for dental emergencies is very important. However, many patients are not sure when it is time for an emergency dental visit.

While root canals are common procedures the timing of the treatment matters to avoid the loss of a tooth or major dental work.

Here are some signs that it time for an emergency root canal.

What Is A Root Canal?

Teeth are made up of the hard exterior portion of the tooth that we see when we smile as well as the soft tissue within. When teeth become diseased and an infection sets in, that soft tissue is affected. It may become inflamed as it fights the infection, causing great pain. If the infection persists long enough, that soft tissue as well as the underlying bone tissue may die and decay which can lead to the loss of the tooth.

During a root canal procedure, the dentist removes the affected pulp within the tooth. The area is then cleaned and the pulp canal is sealed. This procedure is performed more than 15 million times each year in the United States.

Signs That An Emergency Root Canal Is Necessary

When a tooth is infected, there is increased sensitivity to temperatures, both hot and cold. As the infection worsens and moves to the bone, the area surrounding the tooth often becomes tender to the touch. Chewing food may trigger episodic pain. When left untreated, swelling may occur in the face as well as within the oral region.

If you experience these symptoms, you should call for a regular dental appointment as soon as possible. However, when the pain does not subside and continually increases while facial swelling does not subside, it is time to call for emergency dental care.

Is The Root Canal Done Right Away?

In some cases, an emergency root canal may be done immediately. However, depending upon the extent of the infection, the pain may be managed, the infection treated, and the root canal scheduled for a later date. The dentist will make the determination after an examination.

The best course of action is to act before your mouth begins to hurt. The chances of keeping your tooth are better the earlier treatment is sought. However, when a severe toothache occurs, it is best to come in as soon as possible to take care of the problem.

The good news is that we do emergency root canal treatment in Rochester, NY and are available 24/7.