What Happens If Tooth Infection Spreads to Your Jaw?

A woman with jaw painA tooth infection, or abscess, is the build-up of pus and bacteria inside the teeth or gums. The bacteria cause tooth infections. And if left untreated, the bacteria inside the tooth might spread to the jaw. So, if it to the jaw, it could lead to serious and potentially life-threatening conditions.

Here is what happens if tooth infection spreads to the jaw:

A tooth infection spreading to the jaw could lead to toothache, bone infection, tooth loss, blood infection, and inflammation throughout the body.


If there is an opening in the tooth enamel, then bacteria might infect the pulp of the tooth. The infection might spread from the root of the tooth to the jaw. The infection could cause a toothache. Why? Because the infection could lead to tissue swelling and buildup of pus within the tooth and jaw.

Bone Infection

The presence of bacteria inside the tooth could lead to bone infection. The bacteria travel from the pulp of the tooth to the jaw, causing bone infection. And the bacteria can destroy the supporting bones over time. The bone infection could cause swelling and dissolve the jaw bone. The swelling can damage the bone and lead to bone loss.

Tooth Loss

Once the infection spreads to the jaw, the bone structures of the jaw become weak. A weak jaw bone structure does not support the teeth. So, if a person does not treat their tooth infection, they will lose more teeth later in life. If a tooth falls out, it leaves an empty space in the jaw, leading to bone loss and tooth loss.


If a person does not treat a tooth infection, the infection could spread to the jaw bones and other parts of the body. In fact, the bacteria from the tooth infection could spread to the jaws and enter the bloodstream to cause inflammation throughout the body. The inflammation could rupture organs and block arteries.

Blood Infection

Last, but not least, the bacterial infection could spread to the jaw and through the entire bloodstream. If bacteria from the tooth infection enters the bloodstream, it could lead to adverse effects. The person may experience a rapid heartbeat, high fever, chills, confusion, vomiting, and severe nausea. Blood infection can cause shock and organ failure.

Final Thoughts

Most tooth infections are easy to treat. Early treatment can stop the tooth infection from spreading to the jaw. However, if the tooth infection spreads to the jaw, the infection could become severe and life-threatening. Maintaining good oral hygiene and visiting the dentist regularly can prevent tooth infections.

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A Closer Look at the Most Common Reason for Tooth Extraction

An emergency tooth extractionWhile often seen as a last resort, tooth extraction becomes necessary in some situations. Among the several reasons that may necessitate a tooth extraction, one stands out as the most prevalent and this post will delve into the gist of things.

The Most Common Reason for Extraction: Severe Tooth Decay

Severe tooth decay, or advanced dental caries or cavities is the most frequent cause of tooth extraction. Dental caries, usually fueled by poor oral hygiene, sugary diets, and inadequate dental care, can lead to the gradual breakdown of the tooth’s structure. When the cavities penetrate the enamel and dentin, and reach the sensitive pulp inside, they can cause pain, inflammation, and even infection.

Why Does Severe Tooth Decay Lead to Extraction?

Once dental decay hits an advanced stage, the affected teeth are less likely to respond to less invasive treatments like root canals or filings. If the damage is at a point that affects the tooth’s structural integrity, extraction becomes the viable course of action to avoid further complications. Leaving a severely decayed tooth unaddressed can lead to issues like:

Pain & Discomfort– When the nerves within the tooth are exposed, it becomes sensitive to pain and sensitivity.

Infection– Bacteria can make their way to the pulp chamber, causing an infection that can spread to the surrounding areas.

Abscess Formation– An abscess is a pocket of pus that can develop at the root of the tooth, leading to extreme pain and inflammation.

How to Avoid Severe Tooth Decay

Preventing extreme tooth decay is vital in avoiding extraction. That said, here are simple but effective tips to keep your teeth healthy and free from cavities:

1. Brush Regularly– brush at least two times per day using fluoride toothpaste. This will help remove food particles and plaque, which left unattended can build up and cause decay.

2. Floss Daily– Flossing helps clean between teeth and in parts where your toothbrush cannot reach properly.

3. Watch Your Diet– Sugar feeds bacteria that aid in the development of cavities. So limit sugary foods and beverages and instead stick to a balanced diet rich in whole grains, vegetables, and fruits.

4. Regular Dental Check-ups– Having dental check-ups is recommended for detecting and treating cavities early enough. A great dentist will be able to identify potential issues before they escalate.

The Takeaway

Extreme tooth decay stands out as the prevalent reason for tooth extraction. Keep in mind that prevention is key to avoiding the need for tooth extraction and you can ascertain this by practicing good oral hygiene, visiting your dentist regularly, and maintaining a healthy diet.

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What’s The 3-3-3 Rule For Toothaches?

A man in pain from a cracked toothIf you have ever had a toothache, you probably know that the unique pain is simply unforgettable. Obviously, you should promptly visit your dentist if you have any tooth pain, but if you have to wait to do so for whatever reason, you can use several coping strategies, one of the most popular being the 3-3-3 method.

What Is the 3-3-3 Method for Tooth Pain?

Tooth or gum pain is almost always due to swelling or inflammation. If you reduce the swelling, then you will reduce the pain. The best way to reduce the pain and inflammation in the short-term is with the 3-3-3 method: 3 ibuprofen (600mg total) 3 times a day for 3 days.

One thing you must not do is take the ibuprofen only to stop taking it once you start experiencing pain relief. The trick is to keep the ibuprofen levels up so that you can reduce the inflammation. If you stop taking it, then it will be a while before the ibuprofen kicks in again.

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What Is A Dental Emergency and What Should You Do About It?

emergency tooth pulling rochester nyDental emergencies are common and it’s essential to know what to do when one happens to you.

This includes taking the time to understand what constitutes a dental emergency and what to look out for. Here is a detailed breakdown of what a dental emergency entails and what you should do as soon as you are in such a situation.

What Is A Dental Emergency?

A dental emergency is any dental condition requiring immediate professional assistance to avoid further pain, discomfort, and damage to the teeth.


Examples of this can include:

Anything surrounding these conditions should be addressed as soon as possible by a qualified dentist. They will know what to do to regulate the pain and make sure the teeth are in the condition they need to be.

How To Deal With A Dental Emergency

1. Book An Appointment With The Dentist Right Away

The first thing you are going to want to do is to book an appointment with a dentist. Some dentists work around the clock and/or are willing to book emergency appointments. They will prioritize you due to the nature of the condition you’re in.

This is ideal since you are going to want treatment as soon as you can get it.

2. Rinse The Mouth

You are also going to want to focus on controlling the bleeding if that is a concern. This can be done by rinsing the mouth with water. Just make sure to rinse gently and allow the water to dribble out as that is going to make sure you don’t aggravate the situation.

3. Use Gauze To Control Bleeding

If the bleeding is getting worse, it’s essential to use gauze to help control it. This is essential as that is one of the best ways to control how much you are bleeding. Pressing against it is going to help, but also placing it near the opening of the mouth is useful too.

Final Thoughts

These are the most important things a person should do when dealing with a dental emergency. The onset of pain can be sudden and you are going to want to numb it as best as you can until a dentist gets to see what’s going on.

By following the steps listed here, you will be able to take control of the situation before the dentist sees what’s going on.

What Should You Do If You Discover That One Of Your Adult Teeth Is Loose?

dental care for broken teeth in rochester nyLoose teeth might be normal for a child, but can be a cause for concern for an adult. If one of your adult teeth feels loose, you might notice that it’s possible to wiggle it. You may also find a loose tooth by touching it while engaging in normal activities such as eating or drinking.

What Could Cause an Adult Tooth to Become Loose?

Adult teeth can become loose due to several different factors, which include but are not limited to:

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What Will a Dentist Do To Treat a Toothache?

A man in pain from a cracked toothToothaches come in many different forms, but are usually a sign that something needs to be checked by a dentist. When it comes to what actually causes toothaches, some common ones are gum infections, cavities, teeth grinding, infections, cracked teeth, and damaged fillings.

What Can a Dentist Do for a Toothache?

A dentist will first perform an examination and ask about your symptoms. He/she may also take a dental X-ray to find out whether there are any issues going on beneath the gums. The dentist will then recommend a suitable treatment depending on the severity of your situation.

Here are the 3 most common dentist-prescribed treatments for toothaches:

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Will A Dentist Pull an Infected Tooth on Your First Visit?

emergency tooth pulling rochester ny If you are dealing with an infected tooth, it’s very important to act quickly. The longer you wait to address it, the more damage can be done to your teeth and gums. But when is it the right time to pull an infected tooth?

If you have an infected tooth that has been bothering you and you are eager to see it go, you may wonder, once you have scheduled an appointment, will the dentist pull your tooth on the first visit or will it have to wait until a second one?

Will a Dentist Pull a Tooth on the First Visit?

A dentist can pull a tooth that’s infected during the first appointment, but it’s highly unlikely for him or her to actually do it. In most cases, a consultation is necessary for a variety of reasons that you need to know about.

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What’s The Most Painful Dental Problem?

A dentist with a patientTooth decay, dental abscesses, displaced teeth, and loose fillings are some of the most painful dental issues.

Toothache is considered to be one of the most common dental emergencies. It can interfere with your work, sleep, and feeding schedule. If you experience a severe toothache, it is recommended that you seek emergency dental care in Rochester immediately.

There are many reasons why you may experience toothache. The pain might be temporary, going away on its own, or persistent – which may be a sign of an underlying issue. In some cases, the pain may be accompanied by swelling and bleeding in the gums.

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