Do You Know An Emergency Dentist In Rochester?

A dental nurseWhy You Should Have A Rochester Emergency Dentist On Speed Dial

In my line of work, you see a lot of accidents and emergency situations. A person can’t be prepared for every situation, after all, and sometimes accidents happen. But the worst situations occur when teeth and mouth injuries could have been repaired less expensively if the patient had gotten to a local emergency dentist in time.

One such accident involved a patient’s chipped front tooth. Chipped is the technical term, what had actually happened was that he’d tripped and fallen, and his right front tooth literally broke in half. Now, had he gotten the tooth to our Rochester dental office quickly, I could have used a dental epoxy to essentially glue the tooth back together. The tooth would have been as good as new, more or less, and it would have cost less than one hundred dollars to fix his broken tooth.

Unfortunately, the patient waited until the next day to come in during regular office hours. By that time, the tooth piece had dried out, and could not be epoxied back together. It was unfortunate, but the patient required a full root canal and a replacement tooth, which was much more costly than one hundred dollars.

There are many situations that happen in a similar vein. It’s always unfortunate when a patient can get less expensive care rather than having to have full dental surgery performed, and yet the patient chooses to wait. When you have a tooth injury, waiting doesn’t do anything other than allow the injury to worsen.

That’s why you should always have the name and number of an emergency dentist on hand. You never know when you might trip and fall, and cause damage to your mouth or teeth. Or have something come flying at you. There are a number of possible dangers in the world, don’t let them get the best of you.