What Is A Dental Emergency and What Should You Do About It?

emergency tooth pulling rochester nyDental emergencies are common and it’s essential to know what to do when one happens to you.

This includes taking the time to understand what constitutes a dental emergency and what to look out for. Here is a detailed breakdown of what a dental emergency entails and what you should do as soon as you are in such a situation.

What Is A Dental Emergency?

A dental emergency is any dental condition requiring immediate professional assistance to avoid further pain, discomfort, and damage to the teeth.


Examples of this can include:

Anything surrounding these conditions should be addressed as soon as possible by a qualified dentist. They will know what to do to regulate the pain and make sure the teeth are in the condition they need to be.

How To Deal With A Dental Emergency

1. Book An Appointment With The Dentist Right Away

The first thing you are going to want to do is to book an appointment with a dentist. Some dentists work around the clock and/or are willing to book emergency appointments. They will prioritize you due to the nature of the condition you’re in.

This is ideal since you are going to want treatment as soon as you can get it.

2. Rinse The Mouth

You are also going to want to focus on controlling the bleeding if that is a concern. This can be done by rinsing the mouth with water. Just make sure to rinse gently and allow the water to dribble out as that is going to make sure you don’t aggravate the situation.

3. Use Gauze To Control Bleeding

If the bleeding is getting worse, it’s essential to use gauze to help control it. This is essential as that is one of the best ways to control how much you are bleeding. Pressing against it is going to help, but also placing it near the opening of the mouth is useful too.

Final Thoughts

These are the most important things a person should do when dealing with a dental emergency. The onset of pain can be sudden and you are going to want to numb it as best as you can until a dentist gets to see what’s going on.

By following the steps listed here, you will be able to take control of the situation before the dentist sees what’s going on.

See A Dentist If You Are Experiencing Persistent Jaw Pain

A woman with jaw painAre you experiencing persistent pain or discomfort in your jaw? If so, do not just try to ignore the pain or mask it by taking painkillers. Such pain can be a sign of a serious dental problem that could threaten your health, or even your life. You need to call our Rochester dental office right away to make an appointment so that we can diagnose the problem.

Many patients just try to ignore the pain for as long as possible in the hope that it will go away on its own. They may be more afraid of visiting the dentist than they are of the pain. However, this is not the right approach. We need to examine your teeth and jaw so that we can give you the treatment that you need.

In many cases, such jaw pain is a sign of an infection. Left untreated, such infections can become quite serious. A dental abscess, for example, can damage your teeth to such an extent that the only course of action is to extract them. By treating the abscess promptly, your teeth can be saved.

There are other problems that can lead to persistent pain in your jaw. For example, you may be clenching or grinding your teeth in your sleep. Many patients do not even realize that they are doing this. Over time, this can wear down your teeth and cause a great deal of pain and discomfort.

We can examine your teeth for the characteristic pattern of wear that indicates that you are grinding your teeth. By fitting you with a special splint that you wear at night, we can help you eliminate this habit. Many patients find that their pain starts to go away almost immediately after they start wearing the splint.

Another possible cause of jaw pain is a problem with your temporomandibular joint. This is the joint where your jawbone connects to your skull. If there is some weakness in this area, it can cause significant pain. Have you noticed that your jaw tends to pop? This can indicate a TMJ problem.

Do not ignore jaw pain or just rely on painkillers. We can help you diagnose the problem and recommend a course of action that will deal with the root cause of your discomfort.

Call our Rochester emergency dental office today to make an appointment so that you can enjoy a pain-free life again.