3 Tips To Keep In Mind In Case Of A Dental Emergency

Every dental emergency should be treated with care as it could be the beginning of many other gum and teeth problems. Anything from toothaches, a broken or chipped tooth or a knocked-out tooth needs proper handling, or else infections could occur.

Discussed below are a few tips on how to handle different dental emergencies.

An Aching Tooth
Almost everyone has experienced the excruciating pain from a toothache. Although taking a painkiller may help reduce the pain, it would be advisable to care for the aching tooth. The best way to do this, is by flossing and rising your mouth with warm water. This helps dislodge any food materials that may be causing the toothache. Applying an ice pack on your face can also help take any swelling away.

A Broken/Chipped Tooth
Teeth may chip or break if one bites something hard, such as a rock or sand particles in food. This mostly results in swelling and bleeding, and proper care should be taken for fast relief. Before doing anything, be sure to collect any chipped of pieces, rinse and keep them in a safe place. Rinse your mouth with warm salty water to help prevent further bleeding and infections. If you want to have the chipped tooth restored, take the broken pieces with you to a dentist, and he/she will find a way to bind them back in place.

Knocked-out Tooth
Although a rare thing, adults do get their teeth knocked out by accident or falling. If your tooth has been knocked out, pick it up immediately and rinse it with pure water. You however need to be careful not to wash away tissue fragments that may be attached to the tooth. Next, try to put it back in its socket. This may cause a little pain but it will save your tooth. If this does not work, place the tooth in salty water, or milk, then find a dentist in Rochester to restore it.

These are just but a few tips on how to deal with dental emergencies. Making a dentist your friend can also help you learn a lot more about dental health and how to care for the same.