Is Having a Bad Toothache Considered a Dental Emergency?

A woman with a painful toothacheMany people wonder at what point a toothache is considered a dental emergency. It’s important to understand that the more severe your pain, the more important it is to seek proper dental care.

Any toothache lasting longer than a day or two and causing pain and discomfort is considered a dental emergency.

If you don’t seek proper care, the toothache will only worsen. You could have a broken tooth, a lost crown or filling, or even a broken tooth. Any of these conditions can leave you vulnerable to infection.

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Is a Tooth Infection a Dental Emergency?

A woman with facial swelling from a dental abscessA tooth infection, also known as a dental abscess, is a condition that can cause significant discomfort and potential health risks if left unaddressed. However, not all tooth infections necessitate immediate emergency attention. This brief read aims to discuss the signs of a tooth infection and determine whether it’s an emergency that calls for immediate dental care.

How to Recognize a Tooth Infection

A tooth infection usually develops when bacteria invade the innermost section of the tooth referred to as the pulp. This can result from cracked teeth, untreated cavities, or gum disease. Some of the common symptoms of a tooth infection include:

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What’s The Most Common Dental Emergency?

A dentist looking at an x-rayDental emergencies come in different forms. A missing or broken tooth, gum disease, and tooth decay are some of the most common dental emergencies. It is true that the best way to prevent dental issues is through proper dental care.

However, having a clear idea of how to handle dental emergencies can go a long way towards safeguarding your dental health and preventing long-term damage, when the worst happens.

With that in mind, continue reading below to find out more about the most common dental emergencies.

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Is a Cracked Filling Dental Emergency?

A dentist looking at an x-rayFillings are comprised of different materials than our teeth. Sometimes you might bite down wrong and break or crack your filling. You may not notice or feel it happen as you bite down. Some people feel a hard piece of their filling in their mouth and spit it out to discover that they’ve broken or cracked a filling.

Is a Cracked Filling Dental Emergency?

While a cracked or broken dental filling isn’t pleasant, it’s also not considered to be an emergency. However, it’s important that you seek treatment for your cracked or broken dental filling as soon as possible to prevent infection. The tooth could begin to decay beneath the filling; the injury could also spread and cause other dental issues if you don’t seek prompt medical attention for your teeth.

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How Does A Dentist Treat a Chipped or Knocked Out Tooth?

dental care for broken teeth in rochester nyExperiencing a chipped or broken tooth can be scary, but with the right care and knowledge your emergency dental repair could be successful. A professional cosmetic dentist should have years of experience in dealing with this common problem. They are dedicated to helping you reduce pain and aid the recovery process after any kind of trauma occurs to your mouth or teeth.

The dentist will provide an accurate assessment of what needs doing, whilst ensuring that minimal damage is done in order to achieve maximum results for each case! Here is how a dentist will treat a tooth that has been chipped or completely knocked out.

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Call For A High-Quality Emergency Wisdom Tooth Extraction

An emergency tooth extractionA wisdom tooth can flare up at anytime, and this is when action is required.

What can you do when the pain is radiating through your oral cavity and causing agony?

An emergency solution is a must, and this is where a high-quality wisdom tooth extraction is going to be the necessary treatment.

With this world-class emergency dental clinic, you will be able to receive immediate treatment at any time of the day.

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What Is A Dental Emergency and What Should You Do About It?

emergency tooth pulling rochester nyDental emergencies are common and it’s essential to know what to do when one happens to you.

This includes taking the time to understand what constitutes a dental emergency and what to look out for. Here is a detailed breakdown of what a dental emergency entails and what you should do as soon as you are in such a situation.

What Is A Dental Emergency?

A dental emergency is any dental condition requiring immediate professional assistance to avoid further pain, discomfort, and damage to the teeth.


Examples of this can include:

Anything surrounding these conditions should be addressed as soon as possible by a qualified dentist. They will know what to do to regulate the pain and make sure the teeth are in the condition they need to be.

How To Deal With A Dental Emergency

1. Book An Appointment With The Dentist Right Away

The first thing you are going to want to do is to book an appointment with a dentist. Some dentists work around the clock and/or are willing to book emergency appointments. They will prioritize you due to the nature of the condition you’re in.

This is ideal since you are going to want treatment as soon as you can get it.

2. Rinse The Mouth

You are also going to want to focus on controlling the bleeding if that is a concern. This can be done by rinsing the mouth with water. Just make sure to rinse gently and allow the water to dribble out as that is going to make sure you don’t aggravate the situation.

3. Use Gauze To Control Bleeding

If the bleeding is getting worse, it’s essential to use gauze to help control it. This is essential as that is one of the best ways to control how much you are bleeding. Pressing against it is going to help, but also placing it near the opening of the mouth is useful too.

Final Thoughts

These are the most important things a person should do when dealing with a dental emergency. The onset of pain can be sudden and you are going to want to numb it as best as you can until a dentist gets to see what’s going on.

By following the steps listed here, you will be able to take control of the situation before the dentist sees what’s going on.

Will A Dentist Pull an Infected Tooth on Your First Visit?

emergency tooth pulling rochester ny If you are dealing with an infected tooth, it’s very important to act quickly. The longer you wait to address it, the more damage can be done to your teeth and gums. But when is it the right time to pull an infected tooth?

If you have an infected tooth that has been bothering you and you are eager to see it go, you may wonder, once you have scheduled an appointment, will the dentist pull your tooth on the first visit or will it have to wait until a second one?

Will a Dentist Pull a Tooth on the First Visit?

A dentist can pull a tooth that’s infected during the first appointment, but it’s highly unlikely for him or her to actually do it. In most cases, a consultation is necessary for a variety of reasons that you need to know about.

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What’s The Most Painful Dental Problem?

A dentist with a patientTooth decay, dental abscesses, displaced teeth, and loose fillings are some of the most painful dental issues.

Toothache is considered to be one of the most common dental emergencies. It can interfere with your work, sleep, and feeding schedule. If you experience a severe toothache, it is recommended that you seek emergency dental care in Rochester immediately.

There are many reasons why you may experience toothache. The pain might be temporary, going away on its own, or persistent – which may be a sign of an underlying issue. In some cases, the pain may be accompanied by swelling and bleeding in the gums.

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